If you have other resources you would like to see shared with the partnership, please send them to info@southernrockiesseed.org.
We strive to increase the quantity and diversity of native ecotypic plants. What does this mean?
Ecotypic Plants: “Plant materials from a genetically distinct geographic area, adapted to specific environmental conditions.”Distinct genotypes (or populations) within a species resulting from adaptation to specific local environmental conditions, capable of interbreeding with other ecotypes or epitypes of the same species.
Technical Advisory Committee
The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a standing committee of the Southern Rockies Seed Network (SRSN). Our committee members include a broad range of respected professionals across the Front Range of Colorado and Southern Wyoming.
TAC Members include professionals from both the public (local, state and federal government agencies as well as Colorado State University and the University of Wyoming) and the private sector (seed companies, restoration and conservation businesses and more). Learn more here.
“Conservation is a positive exercise of skill and insight, not merely a negative exercise of abstinence and caution.”~ Aldo Leopold
The Southern Rockies Seed Network works continually to develop, source, and provide technical resources to our partners.
Current Plant & Restoration Guides:
If you have other resources you would like to see shared with the partnership, please send them to info@southernrockiesseed.org.
Ecotypic Plants: “Plant materials from a genetically distinct geographic area, adapted to specific environmental conditions.”Distinct genotypes (or populations) within a species resulting from adaptation to specific local environmental conditions, capable of interbreeding with other ecotypes or epitypes of the same species.
Technical Advisory Committee
TAC Members include professionals from both the public (local, state and federal government agencies as well as Colorado State University and the University of Wyoming) and the private sector (seed companies, restoration and conservation businesses and more). Learn more here.
“Conservation is a positive exercise of skill and insight, not merely a negative exercise of abstinence and caution.”~ Aldo Leopold