Wildfires and floods pose some of the greatest threats to watersheds, life, and property along the Front Range of Colorado. However, the necessary quantity and diversity of seeds necessary to adequately restore our watersheds and create resilient landscapes following a disaster has been a challenge to provide in the short window of recovery following fires and floods. At the same time, the intensity and frequency of fires and floods is expected to grow over time in the Front Range.
By developing a strategy that spans a broad geographical area and involves multiple landowners and agencies, the seed reserve program will work proactively to develop ample and diverse seed sources to meet the needs of disaster-impacted communities in any given year. Only by collaborating among a broad partnership can we resolve this challenge in a proactive manner. Learn more about this exciting multi-agency collaborative project via .pdf here or the web version here
Our Keystone Programs:
We work to manage regional collaborative efforts needed to collect, increase, and make available seeds and containers for local restoration projects through the following programs:
• Improving consistency and quantity in demand (pooled demand among many partners)
• Enhancing the capacity to produce ecotypic plant materials in our region
• Collaborative research
• Facilitating the production/increase of seed and container stock
Ecological Restoration Training Program
In collaboration with community partners such as Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado, the Colorado Fourteeners Initiative, City of Boulder and others, SRSN develops and hosts trainings and workshops in ecological restoration, plant materials harvesting, and related activities. View our current training materials here for the following programs:
Plant materials collection
Remnant plant community identification and tracking
Ecological restoration
Willow i.d. workshop
To learn more about our diverse set of training programs, and to schedule one for your organization, contact us!
Program & Restoration Successes
Created the Native Plant Materials Yellowpages & Ethical Plant Harvest Guidelines
Completed habitat restoration on the Big Thompson River
Completed nine plant materials collection projects and 18 native species in our plant production cycle
Developed a Citizen Science program to track remnant plant populations needed to supply materials for future increase.
Volunteers and seasonal staff logged over 45 plant populations across the Colorado Front Range
Southern Rockies Seed Network’s Programs:
Our Newest Program: Post-Disaster Strategic Seed Reserve
Wildfires and floods pose some of the greatest threats to watersheds, life, and property along the Front Range of Colorado. However, the necessary quantity and diversity of seeds necessary to adequately restore our watersheds and create resilient landscapes following a disaster has been a challenge to provide in the short window of recovery following fires and floods. At the same time, the intensity and frequency of fires and floods is expected to grow over time in the Front Range.
By developing a strategy that spans a broad geographical area and involves multiple landowners and agencies, the seed reserve program will work proactively to develop ample and diverse seed sources to meet the needs of disaster-impacted communities in any given year. Only by collaborating among a broad partnership can we resolve this challenge in a proactive manner. Learn more about this exciting multi-agency collaborative project via .pdf here or the web version here
Our Keystone Programs:
• Improving consistency and quantity in demand (pooled demand among many partners)
• Enhancing the capacity to produce ecotypic plant materials in our region
• Collaborative research
• Facilitating the production/increase of seed and container stock
Learn more about these programs here: Southern Rockies Seed Network Operational Plan
Training Programs:
Ecological Restoration Training Program
In collaboration with community partners such as Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado, the Colorado Fourteeners Initiative, City of Boulder and others, SRSN develops and hosts trainings and workshops in ecological restoration, plant materials harvesting, and related activities. View our current training materials here for the following programs:
To learn more about our diverse set of training programs, and to schedule one for your organization, contact us!