This conference was held December 8-9, 2020. You can view all the conference presentations below:
Conference Presentation Links
December 8, 2020
Whither Provenance? The Science of Restoration Seed-Sourcing in a Changing World, Francis Kilkenny, PhD, Research Biologist with the U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station: SRS Kilkenny 12_8_Presentation
Can Alpine Species “Bank” on Conservation, Alexandra Seglias, Seed Conservation, Research Associate, Denver Botanic Gardens:Seglias_SRSN_presentation
Lessons from Twenty Years of Native Seed Collection and Increase, David Hirt, Plant Ecologist at Boulder County Parks & Open Space, and Lynn Riedel, Plant Ecologist at City of Boulder Parks & Open Space: 2020 BCPOS and OSMP Seed Increase SRSN
Starting Small: an Inside to a Growing Native Plant Materials Program at Jefferson County Open Space, Anthony Massaro, Jefferson County Open Space: JCOS_SRSN_Conference_2020 Massaro
Annual Conference
Past Events:
2020 Virtual Conference: Ecotypes: Research, Policy & Practice.
This conference was held December 8-9, 2020. You can view all the conference presentations below:
Conference Presentation Links
December 8, 2020
December 9, 2020
Thanks to our Conference Sponsors
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